Its one of the great joys of life to sit for a lecture and listen to a good speaker/teacher and learn something new(albeit about an interesting topic)and trying to grasp every moment.No doubt that having many good friends beside is an icing on the cake....Even sitting for lectures continuously is kind of an art;But presenting them requires a greater amount of skill and concentration which can be learned only through practice.
Ultimately our best teacher is our own higher self which teaches us many things.Just that the student in us has to listen and try not to get distracted.I try to learn and appreciate a lot of things daily.
Some of the things that intrigue me most :
- Why is it that we don't learn from our mistakes.....doing wrong even after knowing whats right.....in various aspects.
- Whats the fuss about having more n more money.......it doesn't guarantee happiness.....has it got something to do with our love for numbers.
- Why EGO is the worst enemy.
- Why are our senses never satisfied.
- Why do people promote religions in order to spread their own ideas...which in a way contradict the whole basis of religion....
- Why do people from different parts of the world play a common sport like football so differently that game seems so different to watch.
- How normal people of Mumbai turn a hellish journey to work everyday into a time to meet up with friends and just chat,enjoy.
- Why acting is so fascinating for all involved.
- Why are we so fond of story telling....(movies are another form of that)
- Why some parents don't try to be role models for their children.
- Music
- Why is it that some things can never be known.....and better left that way.