I decided to post some excerpts about my sun sign partners (this is taken from the 'About me' column from Orkut)
Male: Mumbai
I Never Compete Against D Competition.
The Only One I Compete Against is Myself,
Bcoz 1 Day I Will Beat D Competition and Then Who Will I Compete Against?
I feared being alone Until I learned to like Myself.
I feared failure Until I realized that I only Fail when I don't try.
I feared success Until I realized that I had to try in order to be happy with myself.
I feared people's opinions Until I learned that people would have opinions about me anyway.
I feared rejection Until I learned to have faith in myself.
I feared pain Until I learned that it's necessary for growth
I feared the truth Until I saw the ugliness in lies.
I feared life Until I experienced its beauty .
I feared death Until I realized that it's not an end, but a beginning.
I feared my destiny, Until I realized that I had the power to change my life.
I feared hate Until I saw that it was nothing more than ignorance.
I feared love Until it touched my heart, making the darkness fade into endless sunny days.
I feared ridicule Until I learned how to laugh at myself.
I feared growing old Until I realized that I gained wisdom every day.
I feared the future Until I realized that Life just kept getting better.
I feared the past Until I realized that It could no longer hurt me.
I feared the dark Until I saw the beauty of the starlight.
I feared the light Until I learned that the Truth would give me Strength.
I feared change, Until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly had to undergo a Metamorphosis before it could fly.
Male: Mumbai
love life and live it as it comes
Male: Mumbai
Come on, my star is fading
And I swerve out of control
If I, if I’d only waited
I’d not be stuck here in this hole
Come here my star is fading
And I swerve out of control
And I swear I waited and waited
I’ve got to get out of this hole
But time is on your side
Its on your side now
Not pushing you down and all around
It’s no cause for concern
Come on, oh my star is fading
And I see no chance of release
And I know I’m dead on the surface
But I am screaming underneath
And time is on your side
Its on your side now
Not pushing you down
And all around, no
It’s no cause for concern
Stuck on the end of this ball and chain
And I’m on my way back down again
Stood on a bridge, tied to the noose
Sick to the stomach
You can say what you mean
But it won’t change a thing
I’m sick of the secrets
Stood on the edge, tied to a noose
You came along and you cut me loose
You came along and you cut me loose
You came along and you cut me loose
Male: Mumbai
If you're not on somebody's shit list, you're not doing anything worthwhile.
Female: Mumbai
A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another one.
Male: Mumbai
I'm pretty much confused in life,never focused, always had a fluctuating brain and interest, dont know why.findin new meanings of life to enjoy it.I believe in enjoyin life and lettin others enjoy theirs and hence believe in the FFF thoery,too bad if u dont know it nd i love suprisin myself....All thats written is seriously contagious, so the best Caution is to stay away.Hope u get the point loosers.lol.
Male: Mumbai
I am as simple as water
I am as complex as water
I will appear calm on the surface
You will not be able to measure the depth in me
I get mixed with everybody
I can adapt any shape
What you see in me is a mere reflection of you
I like to flow my way
I can take everybody along with me
But if you try to withhold my flow...
I will lose the life in me!
Male: Mumbai
Never blame anybody for a FAULT bcoz in the midst of a FAULT lies "U".....FA"U"LT
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream.
The Trumpet of Conscience
---Martin Luther King, jr
I call myself a "PEACEFUL WARRIOR" bcoz most of the battles I fight are from INSIDE.....THEY LIE WITHIN ME
Female: Mumbai
The clock of life is wound but once,
and no man has the power
To tell just where the hands will stop,
at late or early hour.
To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed,
to lose one’s health is more,
To lose one’s soul is such a loss
as no man can restore.
The present is our own,live,love,
toil with a will;
Place no faith in tomorrow,for
the clock may then be still.
Female: Banglore
There isn't much I haven't shared
With you along the road
And through it all there'd always be
Tomorrow's episode
Suddenly that isn't true
There's another avenue
Beckoning the great divide
Ask no questions, take no side
Who's to say who's right or wrong
Whose course is braver run
Still we are, have always been
Will ever be as one
What is done has been done for the best
Though the mist in my eyes might suggest
Just a little confusion about what I'll lose
But if I started over I know I would choose
The same joy the same sadness each step of the way
That fight with me and teach me that Friends Never Say GoodBye !
Life + Love = Happy
Life – Love = Sad
Adding above 2,
Life + Love = Happy
Life – Love = Sad
2Life = Happy + Sad
Life = 1/2 Happy + 1/2 Sad.
That's life..
Male: Kolkata
Just don't forget me
Oh friend ,
Just don't forget me,
When obstacles sorrounds you oh dear,
absensce of light makes you fear,
call me, i will come close, i will stay near.
When you lack a clear sight,
and fail to judge the wrong and right.
When friends avoid without reason
i will help, i will give you vision.
When life becomes a cage,
i will make you free.
When dark clouds covers the sky for long
remember I will be always along.
When life becomes a desert with not a drop of water,
i will blow great streams for you.
When nightmares frightens for long,
i will bring sweet dreams for you.
When you are sad in days of peril,
When thy happy moments are rare,
don't lose faith, oh my friend ,
i am beside i will take care.
When life becomes a barren land,
i will grow plants for thee,
But promise me till last second of thy life
oh friend, 'You will just won't forget me'.
By this time all the brainy lot shud have understood what's the value of a true friend is to me.
Male: Mumbai
Everything good that you say about me.
Give me the strength never to disown the poor
Or bend my knees before insolent might.
Give me the strength
To raise my head high above daily trifles.
And give me the strength
To surrender my strength to Thy will with love.
The Rain Cried...
I am looking out of the window
The rain I see is sad
It is crying I know not why,
Is it because the cloud disagreed?
I feel pleasant and nice
Listening to its sad heart
I feel at ease
Nature has a way of showing things.
When times are bad
When everything seems so sad
When you think you have lost it all
Look out- the rain cries too.
Like the river flowed beneath my feet
Like the sky bent down to kiss me
Like the trees sang for our dance
Like the earth swung to the rhyme.
That is how at ease I am
Pray to god it remains so
For when one gets sad
Nature seems to weep along.
believe that life is a journey, often difficult and sometimes incredibly cruel, but we are well equipped for it if only we tap into our talents and gifts and allow them to blossom...
I m friendly, honest, loyal, realistic, original and inventive, quick tempered, independent and intellectual and full of vitality. i m resourceful, curious, energetic, innovative and likes to shock others.
i believe that one shud shoot for the moon, even if he misses, he'll land amogst the stars...
my motto of life is that perfection doesn't exist- u can always do better & can always grow...
Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in : napoleon
Female: Mumbai
You see the world as you are, not as it is :))) My world is wonderous .....just as me ;)
Male: Kolkata
It depends on you
To love me or not
Doors are open
Doors of beliefs
Doors of emotions
It depends on you
To meet me or not
Doors are open
Doors of arrival
Doors of departure
It depends on you
To look at me or not
Doors are open
Doors of views
Doors of visions
It depends on you
To speak to me or not
Doors are open
Doors of words
Doors of silence
It depends on you
To walk with me or not
Doors are open
Doors of journeys
Doors of ways
It depends on you
To realize me or not
Doors are open
Doors of truth
Doors of trust
It depends on you
To harm me or not
Doors are open
Doors of betrayal
Doors of blot
It depends on you
To forget me or not
Doors are open
Doors of memories
Doors of time
It depends on you to kill me, kiss me,
Accept me, reject me,
Regard me, degrade me,
Admit me, discharge me,
Conclude me, condemn me.
All depends on you
What depends on me ?
Nothing but to forgive you....
and forgive you forever