Wrestling mostly WWE (earlier WWF) generally is like a big serial with stories between fights or vice versa. The rivalries are also called feuds in this huge industry which in itself is really a big business. Used to watch RAW is WAR when growing up and would never miss any pay per view. Although WWE was banned in India for few years, when it did resume on some other channel i did watch it for timepass.
Of course when watching it while growing up it was more than timepass it was mostly what my friends at school always talked about. For me the best fueds were HHH and Rock, Bret Hart and Austin, DX and Nation of Domination, Rock and Austin, HBK and Undertaker, Undertaker and Kane, and of course the Austin and Vince McMahon fued was legendary which actually saved the WWE and lead to WCW's fall. Of late, John Cena and Rey Mysterio were good to watch.
Mick Foley in a hardcore match; Jeff Hardy, Shawn Micheals in a ladder match were most interesting to watch. They would fly and do all kinds of stunts. Sometimes Foley used tacks/nails also in a hardcore match, I can only wonder how did he train for something like that. Although they are paid professionals with planned moves and sequences sometimes injuries are real and severe. Recently, been thinking why do these superstars put their bodies on the line. It is their choice of doing what they do and they are trained to do the moves but really is it worth it? They have the courage, stamina, physicality to endure those difficult moves and sequences and keep the right body position when taking a beating. (Have read Mick Foley's book)There should be an age limit for these wrestlers, less than 45.
Have to say that Shawn Michaels and Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 25 (&26) was just so brutal on their bodies (atleast the previous year's match seemed a lot real and less acting) And match where Kane was first seen between Taker and Micheals was great too.
Shawn Micheals is a legend, he retired this year. Stone Cold Steve Austin was my fav superstar back then alongwith DX. Have stopped watching wrestling continuously as before for sometime now, well over some years.