Sunday, October 11, 2015


Recently the government has been taking a lot of decisions to ban things and trying to implement such bans.  I think it would be helpful to make some more proper rules in other areas and implement them rather than announcing bans by introducing laws based on religious outlook for vote bank.

In my younger days I tried to break rules after understanding their purpose.  Now to an extent I understand rules are required to maintain proper discipline.  Many people who know me might think I have too many rules now a days I try to follow to the point of being stubborn and obsessive compulsive.  Most times I enjoy being self disciplined....trying to understand the true meaning of self and devotion.  I am glad that there only couple of rules I have not broken:  Being true to myself (and not lying to others).  Not doing anything that I will not be able to talk about with my parents.

All of us need their own set of rules based on circumstance and experience but some important rules should remain the same.