The brain/nueral network is so complex is untrue.It is the ultimate intelligence organ of nature.Even as science has developed so rapidly in the last 50 yrs or so.Scientists are still trying to find out about the nuerons and their associations(Basically how they work together in different situations )It is still unclear whether nuerogenesis occurs in our brains and whether it is good for us.I dont think that we will ever get to investigate how brain/nueral connections work in various situations.
Then there are Mirror Nuerons which fire when u see anyone doing some task familiar to you. Lets take a simple example of sports we all have played one game or the other before/after watching it.When we watch (live) on TV we can asssociate with the players becoz of Mirror Nuerons since we have played the game and associate with it.Mirror Neurons fire when we watch them play.Its not that we are playing at that time but there is some part of us there or else how would these nuerons fire(becoz ultimately we come from the same source?)Same goes for movies when we go through different situations and try to empathize with the actor/s.
Stars and Different galaxies are intruiging as well....There is this dialogue in Munnabhai where Arshad Warsi talks to Sanjay Dutt that when we die we become stars.Maybe we do....maybe earth is just like hell...or maybe not(its not that bad here) The point is there might be some parellel universes existing with some different star as their Sun out there with some other dimensions unknown to us.Or some network of super beings(God...) collectively working for us here.
When we try to relate the two there are innumerable differences in scale but there is this feeling of the unknown waiting to be discovered at the same time.
This all brings me to the ultimate question Why are we here?Are there some superpowers who control us without us knowing through neurons and different galaxies?Or is it our own collective thoughts that influence both the Microcosm,Macrocosm.It is an Ultimate quest but i have realized in the past few years that everyone one of us are related.If not the same nuerons but the basic unit of Life DNA remains in all.
There are about 200-400 Billion stars and (approx 100 Billion Nuerons in the human Brain)around 100 Trillion nueron cells.....Now its for us to decide for ourselves whether fate is written in stars or what we make of it ourselves through our actions throughout our lives....
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