Monday, October 5, 2009


I have been playing a lot of carrom of late(maybe even too much).Good thing is that i have improved at it (along with my friends). I used to play with Uncle, cousins, other friends earlier and used to lose my temper if any foul was committed against which would affect my further shots/game.

As for the recent past i have learned a lot about the game and how to play it fairly, cleverly.It seems the easiest of games at first...just a flick of fingers to send striker towards the coin but it is certainly much more complicated than that.Factors like speed, direction, followup have to be considered And the constant distractions/comments from the opponents when playing with friends.

Somehow it helps me control my nerves (in tense situations). It has become like a continuous exercise for me.Recently i have also realized what 'the zone' is.Only game where i occasionally do experience and play 'in the zone'.

The fun derived during playing with friends is a great bonus.Maybe i will post about something not related to sports next.

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