Prejudice-Preconcieved misconception- is one of the hardest thing to overcome. Most of the time incomplete knowledge leads to such misconceptions which are far from the truth. Other times, it is due to certain cultural differences which are generally due to difference in upbringing and rest of the time it is just ego working.
Have come across a lot of such preconcieved misconceptions by me during my working hours as a transcriptionist. Was myself a lot surprised at some mistakes(in hearing) I made while hearing the file again and viewing the compared version of that file. Hopefully, identifying such mistakes should help me get better at what I am doing. Also, just few months back had to visit the dentist for cavity filling. Considering the fact that I had visited the dentist only once in my entire life, it was really terrifying to go and sit in the waiting room/chair but in the end the process did not hurt and was quite simple actually, just water spray was used. But I realized the fear in my mind was because of some discussion with some relatives/cousins of their experience at the dentist and hence the misconception. I thought I kept it too late but thankfully the cavities were not that severe.
Below is also an interesting pic

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