Monday, July 15, 2013


I had been thinking about something to blog about for past few days and finally decided about a topic. I am finding it harder to blog as other priorities take up much time and also because trying to understand what the intent behind me blogging really was.

Every action has some intent/motivation behind it. Read this article yesterday in the paper, by Victor Chan, "If we have have sincere motivation, with compassion and caring in our minds, even if we speak harsh words, use physical force, these actions are nonviolent.  But with negative motivation, a friendly gesture using nice words and a big smile, and trying to exploit others, it is the worst kind of violence.  My approach: Today's reality is the whole world, but just one body.  Everything is a part of me.  Understanding this helps reduce negative emotions.  Hatred comes because we don't appreciate interdependence.  Suffering comes because we don't understand interdependence.  We cause harm, sometimes unintentionally, because we are greedy for money and power.  We thinks these things will make us happy.  This is a misunderstanding.  Real happiness comes from peace of mind.  The only way to obtain this is to be altruistic and to be compassionate."

After joining my second job have come to realize the importance of interdependence more than before.  Having an altruistic intent/motivation comes kind of naturally but maintaining the right kind of attitude and having compassion is really hard in various situations.  Once the purification of thought is achieved, peace of mind comes naturally in any situation.

I have realized meditation and playing sports helps me to attain such purification of thought and being "in the zone" comes naturally in various situations which is synonymous to being understanding of others.

Most of the times intent/motivation cannot be entirely altruistic as proper balance/discrimination is necessary.  All of our actions have mixed motivations to them so understanding and discriminating such actions help us be in the moment and living in harmony with others.

But really can true intent be known to others through words alone? or can we predict someone else's real intent through actions only?

I know my intent of blogging was not really to gain more visitors/hits, more like a dairy, but have come to despise diaries as contemplation is always second to experience.

Still will try to post if anything interesting comes to mind.

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