Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sea and Sand

I felt why not about blog about something which has been such a recurring topic here.  So many times I have posted about playing football on the beach.

As a habit I would generally at end of football game wash my legs with sea water with friends besides mostly and I would just watch the sea for a few moments and just be awed, and I still am, by the vastness in front of me.  I would feel overwhelmed with an unexplainable emotion at times.  Trying to explain in words it was kind of mix of questioning myself did I give my best in the game but there was also a part feeling does it matter really every step and action on field will be washed away by the sea water after some time.  Also it made me realize to always remember that I am just like a drop in the vast ocean or a minute grain in the sand or perhaps even smaller. 

Recently after a cycling trip to the beach one thought crossed my mind.  There is this great Sanskrit word for horizon - Kshitijh.  Just as we can never find where sea ends and sky starts, no matter how hard we try by using words, feelings, actions, etc we can never fathom what it is like being someone else.  It is always a Kshitijh.  

We should always try being ourselves, give our best and at the same time learning to trust God's plan.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Joie de vivre

Joie de vivre is a French term which literally means exuberant enjoyment of life. This can be related to anything actually.  It is used to express cheerful enjoyment of life, an exultation of spirit.  It can be joy of conversation, joy of eating, joy of anything one might do.  It denotes a kind of relaxed enjoyment.

We see about it or a toned-down version of it in so many movies, tv shows, social media, etc. 

But is life just only about enjoyment and indulging.  Where does self-discipline and values stand related to this sort of goal.

I think it is a great concept really to help one to have a positive outlook towards life.  In essence we can only really enjoy something as long as we are totally present in that moment.  There is a balance to be maintained between the two poles of indulging and self-discipline, of between letting go and holding on.  Once we find such right balance life will never cease to amaze.

I am grateful to have found something which strikes such balance.