Friday, August 24, 2007

Martial arts

Although Bruce Lee started popularizing martial arts,this guy brought it to everyone`s homes.....Jackie Chan is just the best....he made the combination of comedy and fighting in an new art form kind of...everyone whos seen jackie chans movies will agree with that....He`s funny in a great kind of way and can fight using so many wasnt a coincidence that rush hour series....and the ones with owen wilson were big hits.....JACKIE CHAN IS THE KING OF MARTIAL ARTS AND COMEDY.


Sasquatch said...

no way!!!
agreed he is funny but the god of martial arts is bruce one can beat him at it! imagine this...he did push-ups on his little finger! :O
jackie is good...but bruce lee is god!

wizard said...

well yeah totally agree....but Martial arts in movie for entertainment Jackie Chan is No.1...both are very different but for me Jackie Chan is better because of the props he uses and makes every scene interesting...