Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Change is the Only Constant Thing in Life.
No matter how hard we try to avoid it, that statement is true in most cases.Even our own bodies have evolved after changes and adaptations to various conditions over the years.Read this article the other day it mainly conveyed- That All the changes/adaptations in the body are coming to an end and we have reached a point where the mind has to undergo changes.It does make sense since most of the times if a mutation occurs and a the baby has some unique morphological characteristics surgeries are performed to bring the body back to normal.

May this new year bring about changes we can look forward to and experience.

December 27th, 2013: Felt like adding to this post today.  There have been a lot of changes since the last time posted on this topic.  Of course, change is an inevitable part of life.  But have witnessed myself changing a lot through the last 4 years, mostly for the good.  Have really understood the importance of trust, working hard, respect, silence, managing emotions. Also, have seen a few favorable changes when it comes to commuting on a daily basis.  The most important change though is the feeling of reverence and wanting to improve always (taking it to the next level).   

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