Thursday, February 5, 2009


Its one of those fights against the enemy within and when there is only one outcome.Real wars are fought in rehab centers and an individual emerging against the craving is the real winner.(Although he/she got there in the first place becoz of mistakes made by himself)Sometimes bad habits are forced upon us though and they are hard to recognize and differentiate.

Of all the addicts i admire the tattoo addicts, converting their body in a piece of art for everyone to admire but it also shows their need to seek attention.

We all have different addictions at different times, just the degree is lesser.If you consider now-a-days, most people are addicted to Mobiles, T.V....and of course the Internet, surfing,etc.

Its very hard for me not to be addicted to acquire knowledge (hence the title of d blog) just for the sake of it. Probably i am addicted to blogging also....

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