Tuesday, January 2, 2007

There is a fine line between a genius and a psycho

That is definately my favourite quote and probably the sentence that describes me best.I always try to be on the right side of that line...which is a difficult thing for all the Aquarians..(there will be a post on why i believe in the sun signs)
Even in the happy times there r tears in my eyes...life is full of contradictions..what would happiness be like if there is no sadness in life...its just not possible to imagine one without
the other. Aquarians are probably the most misunderstood people out there....probably becoz they dont show emotions at times and on other times they r very emotional...contradictory.
You might come across many websites about astrology displaying qualities about aquarians....the bottom line about dealing with them is just to mind ur business and help them when they cross to the wrong side of that line.Even though the duration of absentmindedness will be short it can be quite frustrating and at times fascinating.

Everyone is like moon...there is a dark side to them.(Mark Twain)
That is very similiar to the earlier quote....and at times i do behave as a psycho(getting lost in own house)and dont care enough about others at times....nobody is perfect...and we just have to be tolerant with everyone when they do display their dark side and move on helping them to return to right side of that imaginary line.

When u think of it every quality has an opposite effect if ....for instance perserverance is good but overdoing it can lead to stubborness.
(Just read this article in times of india about link between genius and madness...apparently there was this research in which a gene linked to schizoprenia was studied...schizoprenia is most common form of madness...)i think everyone has some kind of madness to them in a way
i will find something interesting for next post for now feel free to comment if anyone is reading...
i am a rookie....

1 comment:

Mythreya said...

damn good one.....
well dude...but i guess its not only you who is misunderstood..even i faced hell lot of times the same situation...
nice post...